News & Blog
FIFA 21: What Edition Should I Buy? —— Detailed Instructions on how to pass the first minefield of EA
2020-08-21As FIFA 20 is going to end, the highly anticipated new game of FIFA 21 is coming soon, set for release on October 9, 2020. FIFA 21 will be released by three editions: Standard Edition, Ultimate Edition and Champions Edition. ...
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Verdienen Sie Geld mit Originalartikeln
2020-08-03Die detaillierten Anforderungen an die eingereichten Artikel finden Sie unten: 1. Mindestens 500 Wörter in jeder Sprache, einschließlich Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Niederländisch, Arabisch oder Deutsch usw .; Bitte senden Sie uns die Artike ...
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Winner Announcement: SUMMER HEAT GIVEAWAY TIME (12 winners)
2020-07-30Greeting everyone! The latest Giveaway is over. FIFACOIN has prepared 5.5M FUT coins this time, maybe your name is in this 12 winner! First, check the test results! Q1, In the following options, who is the best for the SKILL ...
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Winner Announcement: Win ?? M Coins At FIFACOIN (June Giveaway)
2020-07-03The event “Play The Quizzes To Win 1000k Coins” comes to the end. We have prepared 2 quizzes for everyone. Let’s have a check first, Q1, Which one is not the 88 FKA rating in FIFA 20 TOP FREE KICK TAKERS? (REF: htt ...
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Winner Announcement: 3.6M TOTSSF GIVEAWAY AT FIFACOIN (380$)
2020-06-15The last stage of TOTSSF Giveaway has been finished. FIFACOIN prepared 3.6M free fut coins for our fans so that make a happy ending for the TOTSSF! This time, check the result that how about the quizzes first. Q1, W ...
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Winner Announcement: JOIN GIVEAWAY & WIN UP TO 650K FREE COINS
2020-05-29Greeting everyone! The event of Phase II GIVEAWAY FOR THE TOTSSF is over. As usual, check the correct rate of the quizzes first. Q1, Which of the following players is known as Anfield legend? (Ref: ...
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2020-05-08What's the best way to enjoy your TOTS? Join FIFACOIN Giveaway to play & win is a good choice! Let's take a look at the results of the quizzes first. Q1. Which of the following of Gerard Piqué's SKILL MOVES & WEA ...
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Up To 10% Bonus & Spin the Prize Wheel For TOTS
2020-04-21The annual TOTS is coming! The most expected thing must be the players with higher ratings in packs. To get your dream player, it’s worth to try some packs during the TOTS. Store enough FUT coins are much necessary. We’ve tried our best to ma ...
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2020-04-20The new round of FIFACOIN Giveaway begins in April, have you joined it? I guess you caught the treasure this time! On the other hand, we have also prepared two active quizzes in the meantime. Q1, Which of the followin ...
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Winner Announcement: 8 Years of FIFACOIN, 11 Years of FUT, BIG COINS of Gifts
2020-04-01What's happening in March? Can not go outside because of the Coronavirus? It does not matter! We celebrate 8 Years of FifaCoin, 11 Years of FUT, and you must be enjoying the event of 4M COINS GIVEAWAY, don't you? Before looking at the winn ...
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